Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kalanchoe flowers

Klanchoe actually not a newcomer ornamental plants. Once people know her as the flower cocor duck, Kalanchoe now comes with a wide variety beragam.This plant growing interest from Europe, Asia and Africa this is a genus that consists of 125 spesies.Include as succulent plants, plant that contain lots of water in the stems and leaves.

Nature Kalanchoe gather and regular growth reaches a height of one meter for broadleaf species. The leaves are oval-shaped face. Clustered flowers with wide petals 1 cm. There is a single flower petal .This plant it can bloom all year penance change.The flowers has a variety of colors , ranging from red, white, yellow, purple to blue.

Kalanchoe can be cultivated from seed or leaf cuttings. Vegetative growth in the most easy to do. Way to stay cutting the leaves, place in a loose tanaj media and shady. After one month, leaves eyes new plant shoots will emerge who are ready to be planted as a new crop.

The good media Kalanchoe plants were selected from a mixture of garden soil, compost and sand with a ratio of 2:2:1. Although the media likes a moist, Kalanchoe not like stagnant water that can cause rotten roots and stems of plants. Pots made from ceramic, terracotta or cement pick the most recommended because poro-pore so that the water spray is not stagnant. Put the plant in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Lack of light will cause flowering Kalanchoe lazy and more leaves.
This beautiful flower is not spoiled in care, adequate watering and fertilizer once a day regularly. Pests disease is usually limited to aphids, caterpillars danbusuk modern day roots. Spray fungicides and pesticides 4 months once to prevent pest infestation. Nuisance weeds such as wild grass would interfere with the growth of Kalanchoe. Pull weeds in order to grow optimally.


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