Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sukses Bisnis Gaplek Zebra

Ahmad Zamzami (23) adalah anak petani Desa Bangunrejo,Kecamatan Pamotan,Kabupaten Rembang,Jawa Tengah . Usaha bisnis gaplek zebra miliknya mampu menyerap 200 tenaga kerja local yang rata-rata adalah penganggur dan buruh tani .Gaplek zebra Zamzami ini telah menembus pasar Singapura melalui sebuah perusahaan di Surabaya . Gaplek yang terbuat dari ketela pohon kering itu juga telah menjadi langganan dua koperasi pakan ternak di Rembang .
Setiap bulan ,Zamzami mampu menghasilkan 200 ton ketela pohon , bahan baku gaplek . Ketela pohon sebanyak itu dapat menjadi gaplek sekitar 150 ton per bulan karena ada bagian-bagian tertentu dari ketela pohon yang dibuang .Saat ini, harga gaplek Rp 900 per kilogram . Omzet dari pemuda yang masih di semester III di Fakultas Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi YPPI Rembang itu mencapai Rp 135 juta per bulan . Capaian Zamzami itu tidak terlepas dari filosofi hidupnya yaitu bangkit dari tidur . Manusia harus berusaha segiat mungkin tidak sekadar bermimpi dan jeli mencari celah-celah usaha .
Filosofi itu pun dia ungkapkan dalam sebuah proposal ajakan kerja sama yang ditujukan kepada Kesatuan Pemangku Hutan (KPH) Kebunharjo Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengah . Lebih kurang Zamzami menuliskan begini : “Memijakan kaki di lahan yang tidur untuk menggugah pola pikir masyarakat yang tidur .”
Zamzami memulai bisnisnya dari tiga kegundahan hatinya . Pertama , dia khawatir setelah lulus kuliah menganggur . Kedua , di desanya terlalu banyak lahan kosong yang belum dimanfaatkan . Ketiga , di desanya banyak penganggur dan buruh tani yang membutuhkan penghasilan lain saat tidak menggarap lahan . Bersamaan dengan itu , Gerakan penanaman ketela pohon sebagai bahan baku bioetanol sedang gencar di Kabupaten Pati dan Rembang . Bahkan ada rencana membangun pabrik mini pengolahan bioetanol .
Zamzami menceritakan kegundahan ,keinginan,dan impian itu kepada orang tuanya . Orangtua Zamzami pun mendukung . Mereka bahkan memberikan modal dengan menjual tanah keluarga senilai Rp 100 juta . Dengan mengajak sejumlah rekan lain agar ikut menambah modal , Zamzami membuka tempat usaha , Wana Jati Utama Sejahtera . Dengan modal yang terkumpul Rp 225 juta , usaha pun bergulir .
Zamzami memanfaatkan modal untuk menyewa lahan tidur Perhutani seluas 70 hektar selama dua kali musim tanam . Per hektar lahan , Zamzami harus membayar Rp 200.000 . Setelah membersihkan dan mengolah tanah lahan tidur itu Zamzami menanam ribuan stek ketela pohon . Dalam delapan bulan , Zamzami mampu memanen sekitar 18 ton ketela pohon per hektar lahan . Dia memperkirakan , dengan lahan 70 hektar , ketela pohon yang dipanen mencapai 1.260 ton . Melalui usaha itu , Zamzami mampu merangkul sekitar 200 tenaga kerja local . Mereka itu para pemuda desa yang menganggur , para istri buruh tani, dan buruh tani yang ingin mencari tambahan penghasilan . Perempuan mendapat upah Rp 17.500 per hari , sedangkan lelaki Rp 20.000 – Rp 25.000 per hari . Zamzami pun sukses dengan berbisnis gaplek . Produknya bahkan diekspor ke luar negeri .

Kesimpulan :
Dengan melihat kisah sukses diatas bisa kita simpulkan bahwa jika kita ingin menjadi sukes kita harus memiliki sifat mandiri , bertekad bulat , percaya diri ,dan kreatif . Jika kita ingin berbisnis kita harus tahu dulu jenis produk apa yang dapat laku dijual dipasaran dan kita harus memilki manajemen yang baik dalam memulai bisnis tersebut .

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Nama : Dhian Wardhiansyah
Tempat Lahir : Bogor
Tanggal lahir : 8 Agustus 1992
Alamat : Kp Baru RT 01 RW 07 No. 14 Desa Sukamakmur Kecamatan Ciomas Bogor
Kode pos : 16610
Golongan darah : O
Agama : Islam
Anak ke : 2 ( dua )
Dari : 3 bersaudara
Pekerjaan : Mahasiswa

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Excellence of Organic Food

Currently, public awareness of healthy lifestyle began to rise. A diet high in fat, high calories and low in fiber began to be abandoned. Supermarkets that sell organic food began selling invaded by the buyer. Positive symptoms that need to be promoted more widely, because only a small fraction of our society who are aware of healthy eating. Organic food is all food derived from living organisms. Own organic refers to something that contains carbon, should all foodstuffs containing carbon is called organic. Including food grown with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. But the people only understood the term organic means food grown organically, without pesticides or artificial fertilizers.

Government of the United States as a pioneer of organic food standards, that is called organic food is 100% organic or at least 95% is produced without chemical fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones, radiation for sterilization and genetically modified animal.

Organic food is cultivated using natural technologies. Soil fertility is maintained with natural fertilizers, like compost and manure. With natural fertilization without insecticides, earthworm populations increase, land so rich in nitrogen, so naturally fertile. To cope with pests, can alternately every type of each plant so that a certain plant pests could cut off the chain eyes. Spraying was also performed using anti-pest from the wild.

Certain organic materials such as vegetables and fruit, mineral content is better than conventional panagn material. As with organic tomatoes, calcium 23 mg, while that not only 5 mg. In terms of taste, organic food is more crisp, sweeter and more rapid decay. Apart from the superior nutrition and taste, organic food is also free of pesticide residues and harmful chemicals. As we do not realize, this substance will accumulate in our bodies continuously. The long-term, will increase the risk of cancer in the body because these substances are carcinogens cause cancer. Better to avoid by switching to organic food than we need to pay more for medical costs incurred due to illness.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

In Indonesia there are a lot of chili, call it chili pepper, red chili, green chili and others. Chili is included in the category of vegetables and commonly used in mixed dishes. Chillies have different levels of spiciness in the taste. Green chillies, small shape and has a sharp spicy taste that makes the class of eggplant or solanaceae. Cayenne pepper consists of the limbs of fruit, fruit seeds san, it has a spicy flavor of hot pepper contained in the capsaicin substance.

Function or efficacy of the capsaicin substance which is to expedite the flow of blood and skin numbing. Such as cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, capsantin, carotenoids, volatile alkaloids, resins, oils evaporate, and vitamins A and C. Cayenne pepper seeds contain solanine, solasomine, solamidine, solamargine, solasodine, and capsaicin. Capsidin efficacious as antibiotics. The content contained in cayenne pepper has the benefits or efficacy. As strong stimulant to the heart and blood flow, antirheumatic, destroying blood clots, increased appetite, and stimulating the skin where if the rub into the skin will cause a burning sensation.

Usually the benefits of the latter that makes frequently used as a mixture of liniment. In addition, cayenne pepper are also useful as a tonic, laxative fart, sweat bullets, bullets saliva, urine laxative, normalize the return leg and arm weakness, cough with phlegm, nasal congestion relief for sinusitis and migraine. In the reproductive system, the nature of the hot chili pepper can relieve tension and pain from poor blood circulation. In addition, with the content of antioxidants that are high enough, cayenne pepper can be used to overcome infertility, afrosdisiak, and slow the aging process.

Cayenne fruit extract has inhibition on the growth of fungi that commonly cause infections in the body. Results of recent research is cayenne pepper can reduce the tendency of blood clotting, and lower cholesterol levels by reducing production of cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver. Cayenne pepper does have many benefits, but that does not mean chili sauce has no side effects. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which should not be given to patients with digestive tract diseases, sore throat and sore eyes. That's because will cause diarrhea, increase hot flashes, dry throat and increase tear production.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Poisenttia Flowers

Every year before Christmas arrives, the seller always sells ornamental plants ornamental plants typical of Christmas, such as evergreen plants, palms and poinsettia. One type of plant that is being loved Christmas is the poinsettia. The figure of the Mexican plants are interesting. Young leaves are light colored, either red, white or pink, seen in contrast with the green leaf.

Each region has its own designation. Some call kastuba and flower poisoning. Some areas in Java Island knew him as a svelte interest. In Sumatra called red tree. In West Java are often called croton Bengal and in Bali called kedapa. These tropical plants including woody shrubs tree that can grow to 3 feet tall. His figure is beautiful with bright colors of leaves. Can be displayed in pots or planted in the yard.

All parts of plant contain milk sap if broken. The nature of stem branched, single leaves, stemmed and spreading, oval shape with the bottom fluffy. We often think of red petals, white or yellow at the tip of the leaf is a flower, but it is the young leaves that have a different color with leaf buds in general.

The young leaves gradually along with the age of leaf greenness of growing older. Flower is actually a compound with a yellow flower that is located clustered at the end of the rod. Initially, only the flowering poinsettia red with a small leaf size. Now many are crossed to produce hybrids with poinsettia flowers of different colors, like pink, green, or yellow.

Poinsettia including interest that is very easily developed. Could stem cuttings or by grafting. For stem cuttings, select a rod that is not too old, cut and basting obatperangsang roots. Planted in garden soil media and manure with a ratio of 1:1. Plants can be grown in the lowlands as well as high, but the plains with an altitude of 600 m above sea ether is an ideal area for the poinsettia. Select an area open and exposed to direct sunlight because poinsettias are very happy with sunlight. In order to appear prima poinsettias in pots, do regular maintenance such as fertilizing, watering, replacement of the media and certainly enough sunlight. Fertilizer young plants with a member of fertilizer with high nitrogen element. After the plants begin to flower out, put fertilizer with high phosphorus content of the element. So that the color of pale leaves and flowers are not brightly lit, place the poinsettia outdoors once every 3 days for the sun.

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Tips To Stay Healthy Brain

The brain is the organ that is very important, especially in cognitive abilities. The withdrawal of the enlarged muscle during training and did not get off as an expense, the brain will also decrease its ability if it does not get adequate exercise. One of the bad impact on people who rarely use the thinking skills while retracing old age is due to the process of degeneration. To avoid this there are steps that can be done, namely:

1. Perform adequate exercise. Exercise can improve blood circulation to the brain, so that the flow of nutrients can also be maintained. Therefore, always remember that sport is also a prerequisite for brain health.

2. Keep trying to have social relationships with others, either at work or friends gathering in a home environment.

3. Think rationally and positively to the problem. If the problem is always depressing, it also can bring bad consequences for the brain. Thus the necessary efforts to cope with stress.

4. Consumption of healthy foods. It is important, especially foods that contain lots of anti-oxidant, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Maintain health. How to maintain your weight, avoiding the increase of cholesterol, keeping blood pressure and sugar levels within normal limits.

6. If indeed have the disease, especially diseases that could interfere with the brain, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or elevated cholesterol, consumption of drugs that can overcome the disease.

7. Rest is also instrumental in helping brain health. At least sleep between 6-8 hours per day to restore brain function.

8. Always trying to do the stimulus to the brain. For example, to think about something, trying to solve a problem, or think to bring something of quality. This will trigger the brain to continue working. The brain is working better than the brain does not get a stimulus.

9. In people who have quit their jobs or already retired, do not let the brain do not work in a long time. Make a small activity to stimulate the brain to work. For example, playing chess, reading newspapers or magazines, watching news on television, or other activities to stimulate the brain to think.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kalanchoe flowers

Klanchoe actually not a newcomer ornamental plants. Once people know her as the flower cocor duck, Kalanchoe now comes with a wide variety beragam.This plant growing interest from Europe, Asia and Africa this is a genus that consists of 125 spesies.Include as succulent plants, plant that contain lots of water in the stems and leaves.

Nature Kalanchoe gather and regular growth reaches a height of one meter for broadleaf species. The leaves are oval-shaped face. Clustered flowers with wide petals 1 cm. There is a single flower petal .This plant it can bloom all year penance change.The flowers has a variety of colors , ranging from red, white, yellow, purple to blue.

Kalanchoe can be cultivated from seed or leaf cuttings. Vegetative growth in the most easy to do. Way to stay cutting the leaves, place in a loose tanaj media and shady. After one month, leaves eyes new plant shoots will emerge who are ready to be planted as a new crop.

The good media Kalanchoe plants were selected from a mixture of garden soil, compost and sand with a ratio of 2:2:1. Although the media likes a moist, Kalanchoe not like stagnant water that can cause rotten roots and stems of plants. Pots made from ceramic, terracotta or cement pick the most recommended because poro-pore so that the water spray is not stagnant. Put the plant in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Lack of light will cause flowering Kalanchoe lazy and more leaves.
This beautiful flower is not spoiled in care, adequate watering and fertilizer once a day regularly. Pests disease is usually limited to aphids, caterpillars danbusuk modern day roots. Spray fungicides and pesticides 4 months once to prevent pest infestation. Nuisance weeds such as wild grass would interfere with the growth of Kalanchoe. Pull weeds in order to grow optimally.

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The skin is an organ that is essential for humans. In addition to functioning as a protector of the body, skin health will also affect the appearance. Skin care is not always expensive, with the right techniques, you still can maintain healthy skin without the cost of excess. Here's how:
1. Clean the skin regularly
Bathe at least twice a day. Keep in mind, ait temperature bath that does not much affect the condition Ulit is the same as body temperature, not too hot or cold. Soap is good is that according to skin type, to remove dirt, but do not remove the skin moist.

2. Give moisturizer
In order to remain moist, you should use a moisturizer, do not terlantarkan hidden areas. For example, the elbow region, neck, ankles or behind the knee.

3. Never smoked
Smoking can damage your skin dramatically. A smoker has the skin dull and not bright because of the blood that carries oxygen should instead carry toxic substances and oxidants. Cigarettes are also slow the process of skin regeneration and wound healing because of substances in cigarette benzoyrene inhibit the absorption of vitamin C which is an essential component for the formation of collagen.

4. Simply break
The study found that the regenerating skin at night, Puku 1 to 3 in the morning. Lack of sleep at this time to make skin look pale.

5. Do exercise regularly
Sport can accelerate blood circulation so that the flow of blood carrying oxygen and nutrients to the skin becomes smooth. Exercise also can effectively burn carbohydrates and fat so that beautify the body shape.

6. Consumption of healthy foods
Foods rich in nutrients for the growth of skin of which contain beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc

7. Drink enough
Drinking can help remove dirt from the body, acts as a moisturizer from the inside and maintain the water content of the skin.

8. Do not drink alcohol and caffeine consumption to taste
Alcohol can weaken the immune system, resulting in dehydration, interfere with skin moisture, and also cause skin damage suffered hati.Kafein dehidrasi.Pertimbangkan replace drinking coffee with green tea.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Save Money with Solar Panels

If you are looking for the best way to save money, consider solar panels for home. solar panels for homes are not just a way to reduce the burden of your home, but can also give you peace of mind in an emergency. There are many companies sell solar panels for homes, some of the simple resellers who do not have direct knowledge of products, and with no experience installing solar panels for home.

If you are looking for a company that offers solar panels for home, be sure to see not only what they offer in solar panels for homes, but also what they can do to help you design your own system. Purchase solar panels for homes can be difficult, if you do not know exactly what you need to buy. solar panels for homes are an excellent choice, but it can be a complicated process. Working with a company that not only sells products but also offer installation for solar panels for homes will ensure you do not have a big problem then that can cost a lot of money.

If you work with a company that offers more than just sales, you may have a system that includes solar panels for homes that can be enjoyed for years to come. A company that sells and designs solar panels for homes will be able to customize your solution to meet your needs and also provide your family with low cost energy solutions.

Peace of mind is something else you would get by adding solar power to the value of your home. If the grid ever went offline, or there is some kind of disaster in your area, you'll know that you are sure to heat homes, cook food and use your lights, even if your neighbors without electricity. Imagine how helpful would be to be able to offer assistance to friends and family when they were without power. Surely it is not really helping them.

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Special Quality of Bacillus Coagulan

Bacillus coagulans is a type of bacteria that form lactic acid. It was in 1932 when the organism was first isolated and described by Horowitz-Walssowa and Nowotelnow in the fifth edition of Bergey's Manual to determine Bacteriology.

Coagulans is defined by the World Health Organization as live microorganisms, also known as probiotics, that when consumed in sufficient quantities can bring health benefits to host. Among the health benefits that you can get from coagulans include improved immune system and good digestive system.

By taking a daily probiotic supplement, you ensure that the balance of the gut and the immune system healthy and safe. Factors such as stress, age, poor diet, use of antibiotics, drugs, and travel can reduce your levels of beneficial bacteria and disrupt the balance of your intestines.
Other conditions such as digestive problems, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, Clostridium difficile colitis, and ulcerative colitis will be relieved by Probiotics. Relief is also experienced by individuals who experience an infection caused by the ulcer-carry the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and excessive growth of bad bacteria in the short bowel syndrome.

In addition, bacteria produce L optical isomers of lactic acid. Once inside, they can easily colonize the intestine, increase defenses against any attack bad bacteria. They were able to survive in gastric acidity and this allows them to reach the intestinal tract.

Although there are many other good bacteria that is being promoted by scientists and studies, coagulans secured with a natural protective shield, which allows the organism to survive the manufacturing process of pressure, heat, and acid in the stomach, in order to reach the intestine, as their destination. All other bacteria do not have such unique characteristics.

Indeed, while there is no sufficient information to explain how coagulans work once they reach the intestine, there were no reported cases that harm the host organism. In a study conducted in animals, organisms that both realized good results.

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